Tru-Cut LLC

Partnering with Printers

for die cutting and finishing for over 40 years

Partnering with Printers

for die cutting and finishing for over 40 years

Spot UV finishing is a method by which you can add a distinct element to any packaging you design. This article will help you understand why it is one of the most effective ways to create a unique product and help you stand out among competitors

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How Spot UV Finishing Can Make Your Business Stand Out

It can take around four seconds to find a product on a shelf before you pick it up. In that time, your eyes will pull towards many different items, taking them in as you search. How do you leverage that time to bring your product to the attention of shoppers or browsers?

Spot UV finishing is a method by which you can add a distinct element to any packaging you design. This article will help you understand why it is one of the most effective ways to create a unique product and help you stand out among competitors.

Draw the Eye

Spot UV shines as it reflects light into the eye of the viewer. This gives the product a brighter quality and exemplifies its three-dimensional nature. As a person looks over a large number of product packages or covers, they will find themselves looking for longer at the finish on your stock.

This will imprint your product in the viewer’s memory and act as a way to build brand awareness.

Display a Higher-Value Image

Spot UV finishes always create a situation where people see you as a higher-quality product.

It comes with assumptions of value you will not find elsewhere.

Give Your Product More Texture

Spot UV printing creates a 3D effect on the surface of any product you print it on. The reflective sections will “pop out.” This encourages people to reach out and touch your product.

Once people handle your stock, they are much more likely to buy them. Use this to your advantage and sell more.

Have a Unique Look

Most other products on the shelf have a flat and bland design. They do not push themselves into a position where they are more vivid and beautiful. 

You will not find such textures on other products in the same pattern. Alongside competing products, you will stand out and make more sales.

Increase Readability

The three-dimensional nature of spot UV writing allows people to read it much easier. Words printed with this finish are much more readable as they stand out among all other areas of the packaging.

It pulls the eyes in and holds them there, so people can read your brand logo or other highlighted areas before anything else.

Protect Your Packaging

The Spot UV process adds another layer on top of your product. This can help protect it from smudges, fingerprints, or superficial damage.

Get the Spot UV Finish You Deserve

These points should help you understand the useful nature of getting a spot UV finish on your product. If you want to investigate it as an option in the future, we are here to help you understand what spot gloss can do for you.

Start by getting in contact to learn more about Tru-Cut’s services and also discover what else we offer. All you need to do is pick up the phone and give us a call, and we can get started.

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